Project 2 Continuation: Cardboard Mockup

 Cardboard Mockup - planning out dragon flying

Base: 8"x10" - testing in carboard

New Base: 6"x10"


  • it's really important for the holes in the cams to be perfectly perpendicularly aligned
    • lasercut wood or acrylic - reserve machine soon!
  • 8"x10" is a bit big... 6"x10" looks better and might be more reasonable
Next Steps:
  • reserve lasercutter
  • get motion down - need to lasercut cams
  • get rods and spheres to put in dragon body
  • start crocheting Haku

Base Comparison:
8"x10" - looks too tall to me

6"x10" - looks better to me

Cam Connection Notes:

Use (wooden) spheres within body to connect rods to dragon body - organic shape


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