Final Project: Final Result

Project Statement:

Our project represents the narrative of Lord Rama and Sita's return home after Rama's conquest over the demon king Ravana. This is one version of the story of Diwali, which is the festival of lights. We decided to incorporate this theme into our project by making a light box to tell the story of Diwali.

The box design itself incorporates design elements from Hindu temples and pooja stands. Within the box, we have four layers of balsa wood made to depict Lord Rama and Sita's triumphant return in a chariot, which is celebrated with the lighting of diyas. Holes in the balsa wood that line the pathway represent diyas and a neopixel strip behind the balsa wood layer flickers to represent the light coming from the diyas. To achieve the effect of fire, we randomized the brightness of each of the pixels behind the pathway. Pixels not behind the path are a collection of static colors that flow to convey the joyousness of the event.

Initially, this scenery is covered by double doors. On the doors is a depiction of Ravana. A sensor is mounted to the top of the box, and when a flashlight is directed at the sensor, the doors (controlled by two servo motors) open, and the scene inside the box lights up. This mechanism is meant to be a tangible representation of the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. 

 In essence, our project offers an interpretation of Diwali that invites users to reflect on the significance of light and triumph of good over evil.

Final Design:


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