
Showing posts from November, 2023

Final Project Continuation: Crankie Box Testing

Final Project Continuation: Crankie Box Testing UPDATE: crankie box has been replaced by doors on servos *insert image of prototype* When speaking with Abhishek and Alyssa about the project, we discussed our initial plans. Unfortunately, the sketches we did for these initial plans were discarded, but we were trying to figure out how to incorporate the disappearing demon. Alyssa suggested switching to a crankie box, which I tested at home and that worked pretty well! I bought some clear vinyl to use for the moving scene, and plan to test acrylic paint pens and alcohol markers on it to figure out which art medium will work best. links: Make a Crankie Box - The Crankie Factory Making a Crankie - The Midnight Sea

Project 3 Result!

 Video: Project Statement: For this project, I was inspired by the inflatable tube guys, often seen in car lots. Since this was a project where we wanted to display an emotion when triggered by a sensor, I thought a good way to do this would be to have a stationary being that would show happiness when someone gets close. One way to do this would be to have a fan turn on, causing the inflatable tube to start billowing, but I did not want to introduce a fan or a sewing project into such a short project, so I thought servos could be used to emulate the motion by raising and waving the being's arms near its head when triggered by the proximity sensor. I had also planned to have a changing face, but based on the way I had already built the arms made me rethink its design from two faces that switch places to a happy mouth moving to cover a sad mouth when someone gets close. During the critique session, I was given the idea to have had the face rotate upright to switch the faces rather th

Project 3 In Progress Photos


Project 3 Programming Practice

Connecting servo motors: Code to move servos: from servo import Servo import time   sg90_servo = Servo(pin=26)  #To be changed according to the pin used servo2 = Servo(pin=22) while True:     sg90_servo.move(135)  # turns the servo to 0°.     servo2.move(45)     time.sleep(1)     #sg90_servo.move(90)  # turns the servo to 90°.     #servo2.move(90)     #time.sleep(1)     #sg90_servo.move(180)  # turns the servo to 180°.     #time.sleep(1) Code to make servos wiggle with proximity sensor: from machine import Pin from servo import Servo import utime import time trigger = Pin(27, Pin.OUT) echo = Pin(28, Pin.IN) sg90_servo = Servo(pin=26) def ultra():    trigger.low()    utime.sleep_us(2)    trigger.high()    utime.sleep_us(5)    trigger.low()    while echo.value() == 0:        signaloff = utime.ticks_us()    while echo.value() == 1:        signalon = utime.ticks_us()    timepassed = signalon - signaloff    distance = (timepassed * 0.0343) / 2    print("The distance from object is &quo

Final Project Initial Planning

Final Project: Group Brainstorming 2 actions Music as action – speaker Light turning on as action Simple movement in box Shadow box: light turns on to reveal something in box Inside box?? Flying dutchman degrading Light related mythology Diwali: Diwali is the “ victory of good over evil, light over darkness”. In the story, the demon ravana is defeated, we could have a sensor that senses light and when it is dark the demon lights up and when lights are on the demon disappears to represent light beating dark arms and heads can move (this image is also in the public domain so it’s free to use—we can trace this to laser cut) Materials: 1/8th inch plywood Leds Cardstock Wood stain vinyl plastic? Acrylic paint Fiber optics Photodetector prototyping board 5 volt NeoPixel Power source is 5 volts supplied to us Sensor:  light sensor Themes Mythology? Rock Bugs - hex bug? Mantis type puppet Alien-like movement Mimic chest – looks like a monster

Project 3 Introduction

  Project 3: Emotive Object Project 3 Document Requirements At least one sensor At least one motor/servo At least one behavior Express an emotion somehow Initial thoughts:          I nspiration: Inflatable tube guy to express joy with a proximity sensor --> did not want to include a fan, so will make waving cardboard arms to emulate that Programming practice: turning on a light with the raspberry pi pico Code: from machine import Pin import time led = Pin(17, Pin.OUT) while True:     led.toggle() #can also use led.value(1) for on, 0 for off     time.sleep(1) #in seconds