
Showing posts from September, 2023

Project 2 Continuation: Planning

 Favorite idea at the moment: dragon flying Movement in a wave motion with circular cam shafts Kinetic Mechanisms Presentation  - cams Wings or no wings? Character from something (ex. Haku from Spirited Away) or no? Dragon will be homemade element - methods and materials? Base should be rectangular - 8"x10"? Notes from class planning: Motion Inspiration: Character Inspiration: Haku, Spirited Away

Project 2 Introduction

  Project 2: Motorized Automata Project 2 Document Requirements At least one handmade part, made outside of class time At least one moving part, moving on its own for at least 30 seconds (automated, with motor) Base: min 8"x8", max 10"x10" Being provided with 6 volt DC motor and battery holder, but it's not required to use these Current thoughts:

Project 1 Result!

 Final result!! Photos of armor being worn will be posted shortly!

Project 1 Continuation: 3D Printing

 Claws: submitted form to have these printed by makerspace staff Claws turned out great, just needed some sanding Intended to be a press fit, but some sizing was off - likely a measurement error on my part Printed rings with loops, but did not end up using them as they didn't fit properly Printed rings next to mannequin hand Armor: printed with Alyssa to learn how to print onto fabric Alyssa helped me print the sample, but I managed to print the piece I used on my own - very excited about the possibilities of printing on fabric! Designed a scale configuration, but didn't end up using, as the configuration was larger than the print bed available (8"x8") Print took 10 hours, was picked up this morning Printed 3 layers, then paused the print to put the fabric down with tape, then restarted the print and just let it run Ran into issues with the fabric being pulled to the side so that it didn't reach one row of scales - attempted to patch with more fabric, worked with

Project 1 Continuation: Measurements and Planning

Continuing with the shoulder pauldron idea Took measurements of circumference of fingers for claw designing Originally planned to use an existing file from thingiverse, but ended up modeling my own claws Took circumference of bicep with mannequin hand to figure out chainmail Files taken from thingiverse Originally planning on chainmail, but have decided to make it by printing onto fabric Notes: 3D models: Chainmail Dragon scales link Claws

Project 1 Continuation: Found Object: Mannequin Hand

 Received a mannequin hand! My current ideas for it are a fountain sculpture or armor. Notes with starting sketches Fountain Idea Sketch: Fountain sketch Hand as center sculpture 3D printing: base and extra sculptures (fingers) Water used made with hot glue Inspiration: Armor Idea: Shoulder Pauldron Sketch: Shoulder Pauldron sketch Hand gripping shoulder 3D printing: chainmail and claws to extend fingers more onto shoulder Chain or fabric as straps Inspiration:

Project 1 Introduction

 Project 1: Digital Surrealist Object Project 1 Document Requirements: Start from a found object Create a 3D printed extension of the object Purpose of the object must be transformed Still unsure about what object to use... thinking of going to the thrift store to find an object and inspiration. Activity: Project 1 Activity Sketches